Exploring QGIS Class – March 22-23 2023

Jan 18, 2023 | QGIS, Training

The Exploring (Intro) to QGIS class is coming March 22-23 2023.

Two things are happening this go around with the class: updating it to 3.28 and you’re getting some new chapters.

The whole plan for the class is to get you up and moving and using QGIS. I’ve always taken the stance that all that info can disregard two components of QGIS that to me weren’t that important: Mobile and 3D. I’ve changed my mind over the last year (and not because of my partnership with Mergin Maps) because those two things have matured enough to where it is important enough to be in the intro class

So adding two sections means I’m trimming down some others – OR – we just have to go quicker. I’m probably going to trim down the data portion of the class just a little – which will be tough because we’re adding info on ESRI’s File Based Geodatabase.

Why am I doing that? I’m targeting ESRI clients that don’t want to leave Arcmap. Currently ESRI have plans to abandon Arcmap on March 1 2026. I tend to run into a lot of people that aren’t happy about the switch to ArcPro. You can make the jump to QGIS/PostGIS/Geoserver fairly easy these days. Part of my business plan for this year is migrating people over to FOSS4G. The first step for the alternatives is this class.

  • Register here
  • Price: $200
  • 11 Seats
  • Length 8 hours. 4 hours on the 22 and 4 hours on the 23rd (Easter Time Zone)
  • Certificate from the QGIS Organization
  • Virtual over Zoom (with some thought to how we do this in person moving forward)
  • QGIS Version: 3.28
  • If the class doesn’t make you will get a refund for the full amount.

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