2023 – The Year End Review

2023 – The Year End Review

So if you’re keeping up in 2020 I was ready to end the business thanks to Covid. 2022 was probably my best year in business in a very long time. This year was slower than anticipated BUT that’s why you save money, advertise, and spend wisely. It also had...
Small Business Supporter of QGIS

Small Business Supporter of QGIS

I was able to re-up NRGS’s commitment to the QGIS Organization last week. Granted – not a ton of money but things are budgeted etc etc and it was time. So what does that get me? Well – a logo I can anchor on my website. What does it get all of us? So...

Thoughts on Training

Last week I did something a bit weird – I had an almost full training class. What? You probably thought I did a ton of training. It’s hit or miss mainly. Lately I’ve been busy with clients (which is my main focus – data problems). In May I...

Mergin Maps Partnership

It’s been a bit since I’ve announced anything “new” – and this is. North River Gerographic Systems is now a Mergin Maps Partner. If you’ve been around for any length of time you’ve seen “QGIS On Mobile”. AS of...

2022 The Year in Review

It’s that time again. How did this year stack up compared to other years? If you float back to the 2020 post I was about to jump off the nearest bridge. 2021 was a bit more hopeful as I was finally implementing a business plan that was doable. So what happened...
Small Business Cat

Small Business Cat

Actually Small Business KitKat. The blog has been quiet on the pet front and now I have to do one more update. Tuesday night I was sitting with Kit Kat and I realized we had finally reached the end of the line. No more killing small catnip rats and no more random...