The 11th day of XYMas….Mobile Data Collection

So flash back to 2002 or so. My manager went to a conference and won a GPS Backpack unit with receiver running windows mobile or maybe Palm OS (it was a thing) or something. I don’t even remember the brand. We were rocking (at my federal job) year 3 or 4 of...

Fulcrum Live at FOSS4G 2017

While I was at FOSS4G 2017 this happened on the Tuesday before the Conference. Yes – A one day conference on Fulcrum. Fulcrum is one of those software programs I enjoy. It’s not open source but it has a lot of open source DNA built into it and it just...
Year End Review: The Hook Up

Year End Review: The Hook Up

OK – so this will be less dramatic than it sounds – but….this year I stepped back into partnerships. Except Partnerships sounds so formal – I always looked at it as “businesses that complement what I am doing – and (hopefully) I...

GeoJSON, Fulcrum, and QGIS

I like questions that involve “Help”. When I was at a conference last week someone asked about working with Fulcrum Data. The summary of the question went something like “I’ve got a lot of data in Fulcrum but I don’t want to export it...

Building a Mbtile for Fulcrum

I like watching MapBox.  A few years ago, they developed an mbtile format. You can stick imagery into an sqlite database and use it in several applications – in my case I use it in Fulcrum. It seems like (at least for me) the mbtiles raster excitement turned...