Beck Knob Project

Beck Knob Project

If I ever had to stand behind one thing I’ve learned as a business and working in Geo – there is no end to free work. A few years ago I had to do a hard stop on volunteer projects and settle on one a year. That one can be one week in length. It can be 6...

QGIS Workshop January 2020

QGIS Workshop will be hosted at Chattanooga State On January 15th and 16th 2020. Registration link is here: Cost: $700 Dollars The first class of the revamped QGIS Workshop is coming up January 15th and 16th...

Chattanooga QGIS Conference Update

So things are moving. Things are always a bit terrifying as this starts pulling together. I’ve been tossing updates everywhere – so here’s an update for the Blog. Official Stuff Website: Date: October 25th...

QGIS Meeting – October 25th 2019 Chattanooga TN

It’s happening. Finally. This was a bit more painful to get going than I had anticipated. I spent a lot of time over July tracking down a spot. Usually I have someone jump up and go “HERE” or you have that one bubbly friend that knows someone that...