North River Geographic
Systems Inc
Specializing in Open Source Geospatial
Need Support? Have Questions?
Delivering 911 Data to the State of TN? We offer a solution centered around PostGIS/QGIS/Geoserver and other open source geospatial components to help you create maintain, and deliver data to the state. QGIS can be installed on as many desktops as needed at no extra charge. Deliver data to your Dispatch? We can deliver Shapefiles, File Geodatabases, and several other formats. Once installed we offer technical support, training, and any other help you might need.
Thoughts, Complaints, and Geo
Ramblings on Geospatial, Life, and Canoeing.
Once upon a time
I found myself sitting in a hospital talking to a doctor: Doc: You sure you haven't had a heart attack? Me: I'm pretty sure.....Wouldn't I know? Doc: Well......Yes and no. It was a conversation I didn't want to have but there I sat having it. I didn't know this was...
Paper Maps or Something close
In case you haven't seen the news - we had a lot of rain Last Friday. A hurricane hit Florida and then proceeded to drench a large portion of the world I Inhabit I was fine. Chattanooga was fine. North East Tennessee and Western North Carolina aren't. The more I read...
QGIS US User Group
I've been too busy to write anything as of late. I have a lot to talk about - just not much time to do it. So FOSS4GNA happened on Sept 9-11 2024. Probably the biggest thing for me during the conference was we had two BOFs on QGIS. Granted - I think it was supposed to...
Watershed Geo Part 2
Part 1 This is part 2 which will be pretty simple. This is more of the "get organized" part. In part 1 I was able to generate a watershed boundary from LIDAR Elevation Data. After it was generated I went back and checked the watershed line and really only found one...
Geoserver Rabbit Holes
TL/DR - Funding is Hard. Last week I ran down a rabbit hole. While I'm passable as a sysadmin - my skills are lacking in some areas. I had a conversation with someone on hardware and software and we ended on "How would you run this 911 stack of software if you had the...
So this will be my last "New Class" announcement for a bit. Back in the spring of 2024, I taught a 4 hour QGIS and LIDAR class at the TNGIC meeting (State of TN GIS meeting). I ran through it and shelved it and now I'm fixing the problem spots and smoothing down the...