QGIS Coupon Thursday?

Feb 19, 2015 | QGIS, Small Business

There was a running joke for several years about me not wearing pants on Thursdays. I work from home, car, on site, or where ever I might be. I’ve worked at a gas station tethered to my phone. I’ve worked on the beach. At one time back when I was in a neighborhood environment I had a lot of people constantly saying “Well – you work from home so you’re off all the time So I need help…..”. No. I’m actually working. So I started a rumor I wouldn’t wear pants on Thursday. I would help – but – on Thursday it would be me in a pair of boxer shorts helping. I blamed religion. I explained it was done in honor of a long lost friend. Of course I never did any of that – but neighbors did stop bothering me on Thursdays. It became a twitter thing before I knew it.

So I debated on calling this “Pantsless Thursday Coupon Day”….But just settled for QGIS Coupon Day.

Register on the online training site and send me an email (rjhale@northrivergeographic.com with something catchy in the subject line) and get 50% off the Introduction to QGIS class. WHAT? WHY? Because I can. Because I have to apply the code to your user credentials. Because I want people to register and make comments and use qgis. The class has had about a year and a half of “live” refinement. I’ve already prepared the 2.8 materials based off the QGIS 2.7 master version that is floating around.  There is a part II for editing and data conversion that is 80% ready to make an appearance.

You get a certificate at the end good for professional credit or continuing education credits. It should take about 8 hours to get through. You load the software and I have the data for download on a link on the website once you become registered.

I’m placing a counter on the website for number of users and money donated to QGIS to keep me honest.

Will I do this all the time? Probably not. But I can for now.

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