Apr 5, 2019 | Chattanooga, QGIS, TNGIC

So to break the silence and this is something I should have done much sooner – I’ll be at the TN Geographic Information Council Conference holding a QGIS workshop and possibly talking about QGIS and a client’s implementation of QGIS/PostGIS/Geoserver later in the conference.

Anyway – show up for this:http://www.tngic.org/2019-conference.htm#preconferencetraining if you’ve had questions on QGIS and didn’t know what to do or who to ask or anything else – show up.

QGIS – it’s what all the cool kids are doing.

I will even speak some insanity. Don’t tell anyone but I’ll encourage you to show up up for it even if you didn’t sign up for it. Bring a friend. Sneak in. I will tell no one. Seriously. Bring a laptop and I’ll have QGIS and the data and the presentation on a Thumb Drive. We’ll be using Chattanooga data and making this TN/Chattanooga Centric.

I’ll see you there. We’ll have more crazy to talk about once we shut the door so one can hear us.

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