Here comes about the most abstract thing I’ve done in a while.
I’ve been having meetings centered around FOSS4G Software in the Southeastern US (Knoxville TN – UTK) for the last 2 years. Over the last 2 we’ve had talks ranging from GRASS to LIDAR to SAGA to QGIS and all points in between. We even have a listserve for email.
Now that we are in the third year I want to shake this up a bit. I’m announcing a QGIS centric meeting for October of 2019. I don’t have a firm date because I have no clue who is interested and who isn’t. I can easily take this to Knoxville or Chattanooga – but my worry with a QGIS centric meeting we may attract more than the normal crows which would be a great thing.

So with that I’m probably going to start some chatter on the QGIS-us users list and a few other places but center it on the southeast-us listserve. SO JOIN THAT MAILING LIST TO HELP ME NOT LOSE MORE HAIR.
- Cost: As cheap as I can make it
- Location: Somewhere free
- Who: You
- Sponsors: I’ll scream your name out
- Talks: Yes
- Workshops: Maybe
With that – prepare to see more noise and a possible website crank up – I’ve got enough lead in time so maybe we can make this a grand adventure. If you want to help email me and you can be part of the insanity.