Tallahassee FL FOSS4G Meetup on April 3rd 2019

Mar 22, 2019 | florida, FOSS4G, Geography

Florida people – well at least panhandle Florida people – there is a FOSS4G meeting happening in Tallahassee Florida on April 3rd 2019.

For more information I would direct you toward: Seth and Rick


  • Wednesday, April 3 2019
  • 6:00 – 8:00 PM


  • Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
  • 106 E. College Avenue, Suite 700, Tallahassee, FL 32301
  • *This is the Highpoint Center off of College and Monroe. Enter from College Avenue and go to the 7th floor. Meeting will be in the boardroom.

Food and Drink Options

  1. The firm of Stearns Weaver Miller et. al. have graciously offered to buy beer for pizza to anyone that wants to take advantage.
  2. I’m running a pizza and beer potluck for anyone that might have conflict of interest concerns about free food and beverage. I’ll pick up a pizza and beer on the way over and you guys can throw me some cash out of pocket to help cover costs.
  3. Bring your own.

Thanks again to everyone for their interest in participating, and a big thanks to Christopher Smith for his help securing a great space for us to meet and talk about FOSS GIS!

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