Fed Geo Day 2020 June 11th and 12th 2020

You know what I was going to do next week? Going to Washington DC and Teach a QGIS class. You know what I’m doing now – Sitting in my house and teaching a class at Fed Geo Day on June 12th 2020 So what is Fed Geo Day:...

QGIS and Editing: Widgets

I’ve been getting more questions lately on QGIS from all over the place. A pandemic will apparently: cause you to experiment with software, do some weird things with existing software, or call me up and ask “How do you work from home this sucks”. So...

Chattanooga QGIS Conference Update

So things are moving. Things are always a bit terrifying as this starts pulling together. I’ve been tossing updates everywhere – so here’s an update for the Blog. Official Stuff Website: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/20191000-QGIS-US Date: October 25th...
FOSS4GNA 2019 – The Short Review

FOSS4GNA 2019 – The Short Review

I tend to spend probably more effort than I should telling people “Go to a FOSS4G Meeting”. I made my……(think..think… 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) fifth North American Event. Six if you count Boston – but that was...

Tallahassee FL FOSS4G Meetup on April 3rd 2019

Florida people – well at least panhandle Florida people – there is a FOSS4G meeting happening in Tallahassee Florida on April 3rd 2019. For more information I would direct you toward: Seth and Rick When Wednesday, April 3 20196:00 – 8:00 PM Where Stearns...
FOSS4GNA 2019 – The Short Review

FOSS4GNA 2019 Call for Papers now open

The call for papers is open on FOSS4GNA 2019. The conference will be April 16-18 2019 at the Marina Village Conference Center in San Diego California. Am I going to submit? I think so. I did some work with a 911 locally in TN and I think it’s worth talking about...