FOSS4GNA 2019 Call for Papers now open

Nov 13, 2018 | FOSS4G, QGIS

The call for papers is open on FOSS4GNA 2019. The conference will be April 16-18 2019 at the Marina Village Conference Center in San Diego California.

Am I going to submit? I think so. I did some work with a 911 locally in TN and I think it’s worth talking about just because of the hoops we had to jump through to make everyone happy on the ESRI side of the house.So more than likely I will fall under policy and planning.

So – check it out. The official website is If you’ve never been to a FOSS4G meeting you should give it a go. You get a massive amount of technical with people that want to talk to you. You meet developers and discuss the ups and downs of life and software.

I’ll see you there.

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