QGIS 16 Hour Class May 13-14th 2020

Feb 11, 2020 | QGIS

The QGIS Workshop  makes an appearance on May 13th-14th 2020 at Chattanooga State Technical Community College.

This 16 hour workshop is designed to introduce you to QGIS 3.x, an alternative Open Source GIS software for viewing, editing, and managing spatial data in a wide variety of commonly used vector and raster formats. It is lightweight, flexible, and can be installed on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux. Best of all, most will find QGIS to be extremely affordable while still providing a growing list of features and functionality.

Length of workshop: Approximately 16 hours

Topics Covered:

  • Interface
  • Vector Data
  • Raster Data
  • Plugins
  • Processing Tools
  • Field Calculator
  • Exercises Throughout

Registration: https://www.campusce.net/cscc/course/EventDetail.aspx?C=106

Cost: $700

Now that I have all that boring stuff out of the way…..

So the first class went pretty well and although small – I received great feedback from people. Plus it made me navigate my way back through the QGIS Certification process for my end (Certificates/Payment). So the two day will get a slight upgrade for the May class and I should have certificates in hand on the last day. Plus the exercises will be a lot easier vs what I’m doing now.

On the facility – Easy parking and easier lunch. Granted we will all need to jump in a car for lunch it’s only a few miles away.

Anyway – come learn some QGIS and hang out in Chattanooga for a few days.



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