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Beck Knob Project

Beck Knob Project

If I ever had to stand behind one thing I've learned as a business and working in Geo - there is no end to free work. A few years ago I had to do a hard stop on volunteer projects and settle on one a year. That one can be one week in length. It can be 6 months. It can...

The Quarantine Server Shuffle

No I'm not doing a post about Covid. Well I sort of am doing a post about covid. I have a client that placed me on retainer to help them sort through their GEO life. They are an ArcGIS/QGIS/Trimble/Fulcrum/Collector/Compass/Paper map kind of group. Which isn't any...

May 2020 Training Rescheduled for June 2020

Well - this is all weird. The Upcoming class in May is pushed off to June 24th and 25th. Hey - Is this a good idea? NO IDEA. I figure in about a month I'll know whether to cancel it or go ahead with it. Of course we will be following the Guidelines of the CDC,...