- Software: 3.x
- OS: Any
- Updated; August 2021
The National Map has quite a few Map Service that you can use in QGIS.
This link: https://apps.nationalmap.gov/services/ Contains a list of WMS/WMTS/WFS/WCS/REST services produced by the National Map. In the cases below I selected a WMTS service located under “Other Data” called Scanned Topo Maps from USA Topo.

Clicking the REST link Should provide a URL comparable to: https://basemap.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/USGSImageryTopo/MapServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml. You may need to scan the upper part of the page for the WMTS Link. Don’t forget you can also use a REST service in QGIS at the ArcGIS Server Connection Tab.
Click on the data source manager and select the appropriate menu. In this case I’m going to use the WMS/WMTS Menu.

Click New and Name this service and paste the URL that you received finto the menu ( again assuming you have clicked a WMS/WMTS) service
Click OK and click connect.

I almost always select the layer that has “default028mm” as the Tileset. Select and click Add. Enjoy your Service from the National Map.