QGIS Tips and Tricks – September 20th 2023

Aug 21, 2023 | GIS, QGIS, Training

I’m doing this one again before the FOSS4GNA conference

The last time I did this it was pretty fun. First workshop/training class I had that almost sold out in forever. I cover 16 things with QGIS that you may not know it can do – or maybe you do. We cover:

  • Quick Introduction to QGIS
  • QGIS Projects 
  • Profiles 
  • Geopackage 
  • ESRI File Geodatabase
  • Multiple Views 
  • Forms
  • Aggregate Function
  • LIDAR 
  • Live Layers 
  • Plugins
  • Geoprocessing 
  • Command Line Tools
  • Model Builder 
  • Locator Bar
  • Spatial Bookmarks
  • File a Bug Report

It’s a quick run through 16 subjects so we won’t be moving slow. Hopefully you have some idea about QGIS because this is way past “introduction”. Some of these subjects I can do in 5 minutes and some may take 20. I threw out the three most problematic ffrom the last run through. Replaced those with three easier to explain things (and reproducible).

Anyway – show up! It should be fun.

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