Did you ever get writers block? I did..well and still do. So after spending a few weeks “stuck” – I’ve decided to work my way through (as much as I can) the changelog for QGIS 3.30. I may talk later on “small business owner’s block” (at least that’s what I call it). Today is going to be the Global Map Terrain Setting in QGIS.
With QGIS 3.30 there is an added menu in the project Properties called Terrain:
We have a lot of elevation data in Tennessee. If I happen to drop in a map and some elevation data – I can set my global project properties to produce a hillshade to enhance the map. Set the type to be a elevation dataset then check Global Map Shading. You can go from this:
To this:
Nice? I think so. What if I add in some LIDAR point cloud data and turn off the topo map?
You get a “straight down” look at your LIDAR data with shading and lighting. Probably not the best example for this but I’ve used this data for a few demos and it’s fun to take a look at the Pinson Indian Mounds.
Download QGIS 3.30 and try to break something!