North River Geographic
Systems Inc
Specializing in Open Source Geospatial
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Delivering 911 Data to the State of TN? We offer a solution centered around PostGIS/QGIS/Geoserver and other open source geospatial components to help you create maintain, and deliver data to the state. QGIS can be installed on as many desktops as needed at no extra charge. Deliver data to your Dispatch? We can deliver Shapefiles, File Geodatabases, and several other formats. Once installed we offer technical support, training, and any other help you might need.
Thoughts, Complaints, and Geo
Ramblings on Geospatial, Life, and Canoeing.
Mergin Maps Training Class
I had a boss that would always start off with "So the Short story is...." and you'd be stuck for at least 30 minutes and maybe an hour listening to a story that didn't go anywhere. So the short story on the Mergin Maps Class.......... NRGS is a Mergin Maps partner. A...
Unintended Joy
I was originally going to call this unintended consequences but - there was a small amount of joy at the end. In Tennessee you have 6 layers that are required by the NG 911 group. So you end up with a lot of information depending on the county being poured into the...
Geoserver upgrades
I spend a large amount of time harping about QGIS and other things up here - Never talk about Geoserver. I first "got into it" during the early OpenGeo days and slowly figured out I could run it outside of that install environment. I run it for a few clients....
Type in the TN NG911 Database
THE PLAN.....there was a plan. Oh yes - the plan is to make editing and creating data in TN for the 911 addressing system to be as easy as possible. Menus and Triggers abound and now as two counties are using this with a third on the horizon - HOW do I make this...
Photos in Mergin Maps
Not that this is new - Mergin has been doing this for a bit BUT I finally had the chance to sit down and use it. I have a client taking pics of houses to feed into the 911 dispatch system. Granted - not easy, not fun, and not his idea but he walked into this and has...
"Hey you've been on a NDVI kick as of late!". Technically I've been on a learning kick as of late. When I get burned out I tend to float back to the thing that gives me some comfort and that's numbers and mapping etc. This morning (being a Holiday weekend) I decided...