“Geospatial Data Management and State Clearinghouses”
Speaker: Bruce Chaplin, Vice-President Business Development – Americas, Hexagon Geospatial.Bruce Chaplin is a global executive with 25 years of experience developing creative solutions to geospatial, mapping, and location-based challenges. Bruce has worked for Hexagon for 15 years, in leadership roles in product development, product management, and business development. He is based in Norcross, GA.
Presentation Summary: Are you drowning in data? Do you see a deluge of more data coming? Are you under pressure to publish data to users, inside or outside your organization? Making relevant, high-quality geospatial data available to your community of users promotes data reuse, improves collaboration, and drives operational excellence. But, publishing geospatial data effectively and efficiently can be challenging, due to the sheer volume, diversity, and complexity of geospatial data. This presentation will present best practices for successfully publishing geospatial data, outline some of unique challenges that must be overcome, and showcase a success story from an organization that has setup a state-wide geospatial data clearinghouse.
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