Exploring QGIS Schedule

Feb 1, 2022 | QGIS, Training

I’ve released the rest of the years training for the exploring QGIS class. There are a lot of things that are the same and a few things that are different – so prepare to be stimulated with this blog update:

  • This year I’m only going to run with the Long term release for training – so we will be sticking with 3.22 for the rest of the year.
  • Registration ends one week before the class – so those of you waiting until the last minute…………….Please don’t.
  • Price stays the same – $175
  • Class is still Virtual and only 4 hours a day (two days total)
  • Class supports the QGIS project
Exploring QGISApril 27th-28th 2022$175
Exploring QGISJuly 20th 21st 2022$175
Exploring QGISOctober 19th 20th 2022$175

Custom training for companies and conference is still available. I think I have one coming up in Canada and most likely a few other things happening here and there.

You may be saying “Well – that’s only three classes!”. Correct. In May the Intermediate class is making another appearance. In June the final class should be available. So I’ll be teaching every month (in theory). More news on that is coming shortly. I’m in the middle of putting the intermediate class together after the rewrite. The “final” as in advanced is being written. It’s a lot – but I’m happy to finally start getting this finalized.

Come take a class. If you’re doing something cool and can’t afford $175 – give me a shout. You may be eligible for “The NRGS No Thrills Scholarship program.”

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