NRGS Ramblings on the World Wide Web

QGIS2Web and the Hunt for Bike Lanes

QGIS2Web and the Hunt for Bike Lanes

I was teaching a QGIS class a while back and at one point the discussion drifted into "So this OpenStreetMap thing" and I discussed how I enjoy making edits. Eventually it turned to "I'm trying to get Chattanooga's Bike Lanes into it in my spare time". One thing led...

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QGIS Deployment CLI

QGIS Deployment CLI

In my attempt to do one blog post a week on something - today it's QGIS. One of my clients did a hefty install of QGIS and they went and touched every box and then had a list of "things to do" like installing plugins and connecting services. I know there are different...

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Training Classes for January 2024

Training Classes for January 2024

So I have 3 classes coming up in Mid January that I should have been talking about sooner but....December was a bit hectic. Exploring QGIS, Model Designer, and Tips and Tricks are happening. Jump over to the Support page and you'll see the info with links. I'm pretty...

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2023 – The Year End Review

2023 – The Year End Review

So if you're keeping up in 2020 I was ready to end the business thanks to Covid. 2022 was probably my best year in business in a very long time. This year was slower than anticipated BUT that's why you save money, advertise, and spend wisely. It also had it's exciting...

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Playing with pg_featureserv

Playing with pg_featureserv

Which is really all this post is about - learning something new. This year I hit a lot of Conferences and a talking point I've done for the last few years has been the tn 911 project. So during the talk I always had this graphic up: QGIS makes the edits. PostGIS holds...

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LIDAR in QGIS 3.34

LIDAR in QGIS 3.34

I'm old. If you look at my past mapping history I was helping create DEMs (or DTM's if you will) with Photogrammetry folk. It involved a lot of Aerial Photography and control and weeks. Then LIDAR hits. TN has an abundance of LIDAR and I rarely have any jobs revolving...

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QGIS Support Updates

You've read the title and went "We knew that you were doing QGIS Support". Well...... So I did something like 7 conferences this year. Maybe 6. Honestly I lost count. What I didn't lose count of were my notes. I tackled this year like I did 2020 in asking "What does...

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DuckDB and QGIS

DuckDB and QGIS

I've not taken time over the last few months to "play" with geo. I've been hitting conferences and marketing and doing all the things I sort of don't like that much. More talk of conferences coming. One thing I've seen pop up more and more is duckdb. Wht is it?...

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Model Designer Class – December 13th 2023

Model Designer Class – December 13th 2023

After getting through the first iteration I'm doing it again. I'm making a few changes but not many. A few examples may change and I may add one more example exercise. QGIS Model Designer December 13th 2023 12 to 4 EST Virtual Class (Zoom, Recorded) Price $150...

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The FOSS4GNA 2023 Review

The FOSS4GNA 2023 Review

This might get a bit long. I've been debating how to summarize up the first meeting we've had since 2019. I've had a year where I've been trying to do things differently. Going to more meetings, handing out business cards, sponsoring more events, and just generally...

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RapidSOS and QGIS

RapidSOS and QGIS

I took a bit of a break from the TN NG911 project. I've had a lot of random thoughts about direction and "what does this need to do" as in QGIS Plugin or more work into the database...or both. Anyway - more on that later. A few weeks ago a client popped up and went...

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A Trip down Memory Lane

A Trip down Memory Lane

I guess I'm keynoting the West TN TNGIC Conference....or I'm just the first speaker. I received a call and it went either "Hey we want you..." or "Hey the first four people cancelled so...." I didn't want to talk about The 911 project or the latest FOSS4G thing - so...

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