NRGS Ramblings on the World Wide Web

Once upon a time

I found myself sitting in a hospital talking to a doctor: Doc: You sure you haven't had a heart attack? Me: I'm pretty sure.....Wouldn't I know? Doc: Well......Yes and no. It was a conversation I didn't want to have but there I sat having it. I didn't know this was...

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Paper Maps or Something close

In case you haven't seen the news - we had a lot of rain Last Friday. A hurricane hit Florida and then proceeded to drench a large portion of the world I Inhabit I was fine. Chattanooga was fine. North East Tennessee and Western North Carolina aren't. The more I read...

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QGIS US User Group

QGIS US User Group

I've been too busy to write anything as of late. I have a lot to talk about - just not much time to do it. So FOSS4GNA happened on Sept 9-11 2024. Probably the biggest thing for me during the conference was we had two BOFs on QGIS. Granted - I think it was supposed to...

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Watershed Geo Part 2

Watershed Geo Part 2

Part 1 This is part 2 which will be pretty simple. This is more of the "get organized" part. In part 1 I was able to generate a watershed boundary from LIDAR Elevation Data. After it was generated I went back and checked the watershed line and really only found one...

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Geoserver Rabbit Holes

Geoserver Rabbit Holes

TL/DR - Funding is Hard. Last week I ran down a rabbit hole. While I'm passable as a sysadmin - my skills are lacking in some areas. I had a conversation with someone on hardware and software and we ended on "How would you run this 911 stack of software if you had the...

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So this will be my last "New Class" announcement for a bit. Back in the spring of 2024, I taught a 4 hour QGIS and LIDAR class at the TNGIC meeting (State of TN GIS meeting). I ran through it and shelved it and now I'm fixing the problem spots and smoothing down the...

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QGIS US Users Group

Through a long series of events - here we are: The events: gets registered. Boundless takes the domain to Planet. Planet doesn't pay the domain registration costs Through the best efforts of a lot of good people - it's gone. So - we have a...

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NENA 911 Database in QGIS

NENA 911 Database in QGIS

I work with two counties in TN with the TN NG911 standard. Flash back 10 years ago and I hadn't really grasped how complicated address is. Do I like it? Mostly Yes. Occasionally I get questions from outside TN and I demo the two counties and how that works. A while...

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Watershed GIS Part 1

Watershed GIS Part 1

I typically spend June wondering about what I'm doing, have done, and need to do work wise. One thing I keep thinking about is "the old days". By old days I mean the start of my career which was doing a lot of Watershed Mapping. Back in the mid 90's we would be...

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Mergin Maps Training Class

Mergin Maps Training Class

I had a boss that would always start off with "So the Short story is...." and you'd be stuck for at least 30 minutes and maybe an hour listening to a story that didn't go anywhere. So the short story on the Mergin Maps Class.......... NRGS is a Mergin Maps partner. A...

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Unintended Joy

Unintended Joy

I was originally going to call this unintended consequences but - there was a small amount of joy at the end. In Tennessee you have 6 layers that are required by the NG 911 group. So you end up with a lot of information depending on the county being poured into the...

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Geoserver upgrades

I spend a large amount of time harping about QGIS and other things up here - Never talk about Geoserver. I first "got into it" during the early OpenGeo days and slowly figured out I could run it outside of that install environment. I run it for a few clients....

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