The other side of NRGS

Aug 15, 2013 | Georgia, GIS, Giscorps

This is a small company. I’ve been in existence now for 7 years. As for my history – I worked at a federal utility company and had one of those moments – I almost passed out. I had gotten up to go make another argument about something that needed to be done and I about went down. I caught myself on a cube wall and made my way back to my 4×5 jail cell and sat down. I came home and decided that was it. I had to leave. High blood pressure, stress, allergies….it was awful. I have no doubt I would have had a heart attack by now. I dropped 50 pounds – I’m not slim and trim by any stretch but I’m much better. I eat better. I get to do what I want. I get to pick the 60 hours I work a week and I might get paid for 30 of them.

Flash forward to now and it’s been fun and difficult. One thing I haven’t done in these 7 years is work with someone though. I work by myself. I always have. Four years ago I met this awesome lady. Last year we talked about working together – or I guess technically her working for me. I’ve always said if I ever hired someone they would have to work with me – not for – I’m no one’s boss. I don’t want to have to be – I’m 41 – I don’t want to have to lead anyone. That was 6 months ago. Crap. I just realized it was 6 months…No wait 7.  Yes we’ve had a few moments of disagreement – but  you have to doing this – I need someone to disagree with me.

So – the other side of NRGS – Carol. She volunteers for GISCorps. She’s also on the Corps Committee. They are doing a profile of the people that work with the corps. Her very short bio just popped up on Facebook. I decided I would repost here because…well – I can.

Here is the profile of another star volunteer of ours, Carol Kraemer (from Georgia and now with North River Geographic Systems Inc.). She is also a member of our Core Committee.
GISCorps mission/Year served: (DPRK) Mission with iMMAP/WFP – North Korea/2010-present
Share your experience about the mission: I was brought into the mission while still in the pilot phase and have been watching it evolve ever since. I feel fortunate to be a part of such an important mission. The contribution of our volunteers has been awe inspiring especially given the many challenges we have faced being a large, remote team that currently stretches across the globe.
Anything else to share: Though I have been working in GIS since 2001, I am a recent graduate of GSC/IESA where I also work as GIS support staff, a rewarding experience in its own right. My personal ambition seems to revolve around creating a sense of community while providing education and support.

Anyway. That’s the other side of the NRGS. She makes a map almost better than anyone else. Does amazingly detailed documentation. Is an all around awesome person.

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