For Beginners: Add a Point to OpenStreetMap

  1. Before you can begin adding data in OpenStreetMap you must register as an editor. In the upper-right corner of the web page click the small blue link that says “Sign up”.

  2. Choose a username and enter an email address. This user name will allow your edits to be saved and other editors to contact you.
  3. Please read and accept the terms and conditions. The license for OpenStreetMap (ODBL) allows your contributions to the map to be used by others.
  4. Once you receive a confirmation email, log into OpenStreetMap.
  1. Once logged in zoom into your neighborhood.
  2. Click the edit tab and the IDeditor will start. 
  3. Once ID starts you will be able to add a point to the map. By default you will see an Aerial Image of your area. Locate something you want to add. Possibly that will be your house or a local business.
  1. Select Point on the interface and click on the map.
  2. Once you add a point select a menu item to the left and fill out it’s description!

  3. Click the save button and write a small description of your edit.


You have added a point to OpenStreetMap!
